The main objective of the “Huella de Carbono Perú Tool (HC-Peru) is to provide information on the measurement, reporting and verification of GHG of public and private institutions, in accordance with the Peruvian Technical Standard NTP ISO 14064-1: 2016 or its updated equivalent. This tool also looks for:

  • Recognize the contribution of public and private organizations to the NDC national goal by 2030.
  • Increase the sense of awareness and promote the measurement and reporting of GHG emissions in public and private organizations.
  • Articulate actions for GHG emission reduction between the HC-Peru and the National Registry of Mitigation Measures.
  • Promote the financing of GHG emission reduction projects on the basis of the neutralization scheme provided by the HC-Peru.
  • Improve the quality of data from the National GHG Inventory.

The Ministry of Environment through the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification is the administrator of the Peru Carbon Footprint Tool whose responsibility is to maintain and manage the processes to assure the functionality of the platform.

For more information visit the website here:


The Ministry of Environment and the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification (DGCCD) have developed the HC–Peru which is a carbon footprint tool with the aim of fostering and recognize the efforts of public and private organizations in managing their GHG emissions. This tool will also contribute to achieve the NDC national goal of 30% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030.

The HC-Peru has been incorporated in the Framework Law on Climate Change and its regulation. In that sense the HC-Peru is one of the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) tools which are going to contribute to the monitoring and implementation of mitigation actions that reduce GHG emissions and increase GHG removal in order to achieve the national goal of the NDC.

The HC-Peru tool includes four types of recognitions that should be achieved progressively and on an annual basis. Each recognition is symbolized by a star symbol which will be registered on the HC-Peru website associated with each organization profile. The levels of recognition are under a logic of utilization of the platform and to promote GHG emissions reduction in each organization.

In that sense the first level includes an estimation of GHG emissions, a second stage implies a formal verification of their estimation, then a third level considers mitigation actions and the last level includes the neutralization of emissions through carbon credits from national projects. The Ministry of Environment will recognize organizations that achieved each level in a public event every year.